#138 Manufacturer Ranking
176 products

About Elixir

Company Headquarters United States
Available from us since 1996
Items in stock 172
Ø Availability 95.87% (1 Year)

W. L. Gore & Associates was founded in 1958 by Bill Gore. The headquarter of the business is in Elkton (USA). The official German branch office is business W.L.Gore&Associates GmbH in Putzbrunn (D).

Elixir products are exclusively produced in factories in United States.

From a total of 179 Elixir products 164 are directly available . Thomann has been selling Elixir products since 1996.
Elixir equipment is basic hardware for many musicians. Every 30th customer has bought at least one Elixir product at Thomann.

At the moment you can find a total of 33143 media, tests and reviews on Elixir products - among them the following 759 pictures, 32379 customer reviews and 5 test reports from magazines (in several languages).

At the moment 59 Elixir products are top sellers at Thomann, amongst others in the following categories Coated Electric Guitar Strings, Coated Acoustic Guitar Strings, 013 Acoustic Guitar Strings, 12-String Acoustic Guitar Strings and Acoustic Bass Guitar Strings.

The current top seller is Elixir Nanoweb Light Phosphor Bronze an all time favourite among Elixir products is the following item Elixir Nanoweb Light. We have sold this over 100.000 times.

The Elixir product pages have the most hits. Within the last month our visitors have visited the product pages of this manufacturer more than 450.000 times.

Elixir equipment is used by famous musicians like Adam's Attic , Takeshi Akimoto, Cindy Alexander , John Batdorf (James Lee Stanley) , Dave Beegle , Markus Birkle , Michael Bizar (Santana) , Ben Bledsoe , Ove Bosch and Brad Brinkley .

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.elixirstrings.com/

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