#1160 Manufacturer Ranking
21 products

About John Pearse

Available from us since 2006
Items in stock 21
Ø Availability 97.55% (1 Year)

John Pearse products are exclusively made in United States.

Currently we hold a total of 21 John Pearse products - 20 of them are currently in stock . We've had John Pearse products in our range since 2006.

At the moment you will find John Pearse top sellers in the following product categories 013 Acoustic Guitar Strings, Speciality Picks, 012 Acoustic Guitar Strings, 011 Acoustic Guitar Strings and Miscellaneous Acoustic Guitar Strings.

An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product John Pearse 600L Phosphor Bronze. We have sold already over 10.000 of these.

John Pearse grants its customers a 2 year(s) warranty on all products. We extend this warranty for our customers by one year and offer a 3-Year Thomann Warranty.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.jpstrings.com

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