#341 Manufacturer Ranking
106 products

About TAD

Company Headquarters Germany
Available from us since 2002
Items in stock 77
Ø Availability 79.61% (1 Year)

The company is situated in Worms, D.

Currently we have 107 TAD products 77 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) . We've had TAD products in our range since 2002.

To inform our customers in detail about TAD products we currently offer 6395 media, reviews, test reports as well as interesting additional information on our website, for example 648 product pictures, 46 different 360 panoramic views, 16 sound samples and 5685 customers' reviews.

At the moment you will find TAD top sellers in the following product categories ECC83 Vacuum Tubes, Miscellaneous Vacuum Tubes, EL84 Vacuum Tubes, Guitar Amp Accessories, Guitar/Bass Potentiometers and Guitar Amp Attenuators.

The current top seller amongst TAD products is the following item TAD RT122 EL34-STR Duett Premium. This one here TAD JJ ECC83S/12AX7 Tube is very popular as well, we have sold more than 50.000 pieces already.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.tubeampdoctor.com

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